Partner institutions

The event is a partnership between the Portuguese universities of Coimbra and Minho (Braga), the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) and the University of Seville (Spain).


Carlos Camponez - U. Coimbra | CECS

Carlos Camponez (1964) is assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Coimbra. His research focuses, in particular, on socio-professional themes and journalism ethics. He is a researcher at the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS). He presides over the confederation of communication science associations of Portuguese language and culture, Lusocom, and is vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences, Sopcom.

Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas - Universidad de Sevilla

Chairman of the Deontology and Guarantees Committee of the Professional College of Journalists of Andalusia (2017-2024). Member of the Journalism Arbitration, Complaints and Ethics Committee (2013-2017). Promoter and co-director of the Scientific Network for Research and Transfer in Communication and Social Sciences (INTRACOM). Author of more than a dozen books and numerous scientific articles and book chapters. He has carried out periods of research at the Universities of Oxford, Bologna and La Sapienza. He was Principal Investigator of two R+D+I projects on ethics in communication and 5 European knowledge transfer projects.

Madalena Oliveira - U. Minho | CECS

Madalena Oliveira holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of Minho (Portugal). She is the director of the Communication and Society Research Centre based at the same University. Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Comunicação e Sociedade, she is also the President of Sopcom, the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences. She coordinated three research projects funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: NetStation: shaping radio for web environment (2012-2015); Communication policies and media public service (2014-2016); Audire: saving sonic-based memories (2018-2022). Her research interests include radio, sound language, podcast, sound art, specialised journalism, radio journalism, metajournalism and science policy.

Rogério Christofoletti - UFSC | PPGJOR

Rogério Christofoletti is a professor of Journalism at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil, where he works as an undergraduate, Master's and Doctorate student. Since 1999, he has researched deontological, labor and technological transformations in journalism. He has written and edited 15 books, and more than 140 articles and book chapters on these topics. He has already led and developed research with funding from UNESCO, CNPq, Capes, among others. He is a fellow of CNPq / Brazil. It is part of the Lusófona Network for Information Quality (RLQI) and Red Intracom.

Maria Beatriz Marques - U. Coimbra

Maria Beatriz Marques is an Associate Professor in Information Science at the DFCI. She holds a PhD in Letters from the UC, in the area of Documentary Sciences, specializing in Information Management and Information Services. She has developed her research and teaching activity in the area of Information Management and Information Services: Quality Management and Marketing of Information Services - Customer Satisfaction of Information Services -; Information Management in Organizations; Study of Information Systems and Policies, with a particular focus on the CPLP Universe; Epistemology and Phenomenology of Information Science; Theory and Critique of the Information Society; Strategic Planning and Evaluation of Information Services; Social Responsibility of Organizations and Information and Interactivity (Organizational Communication).

João Miranda - U. Coimbra | CEIS20

João Miranda is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra and a researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies - CEIS20. In 2019, he defended his doctoral thesis, entitled "The role of journalists in the regulation of information: socio-professional characterization, accountability and regulatory models in Portugal and Europe". He is currently director of the journal Mediapolis - Revista de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público. He is also a member of the Interuniversity Network for Studies on Journalists and is the coordinator of SOPCOM's Journalism and Society Working Group.

Gisiela Klein - U. Coimbra | CECS

Gisiela Klein is a PhD student in Communication Sciences at the University of Coimbra. She graduated in journalism in Brazil and worked in newsrooms in Santa Catarina and São Paulo for 12 years. She later moved into organizational communication and worked for the Brazilian government and third sector institutions. She is currently conducting research in Portugal with a focus on disinformation, the public sphere and climate change. She is a collaborating researcher at the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS).  

Cleisyane Quintino - U. Coimbra

PhD student in Communication Sciences at the University of Coimbra. She holds a master's degree in Communication and Society from the University of Brasilia in the Power and Communication Processes research line (2021). She has a degree in Social Communication/Journalism from the Federal University of Ceará (2011). Her main research topics are young audiences, consumption of journalistic content, journalistic podcasts and media literacy.  

Gustavo Schwabe - U. Coimbra

Gustavo Schwabe is a master's student in Journalism at the University of Coimbra. He graduated in Journalism in Brazil from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and has worked professionally for more than 20 years in the areas of television and the internet. He was editor-in-chief in newsrooms in Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia, and also as audiovisual director in São Paulo.  

Denise Becker - UFSC | PPGJOR

Science, technology and innovation journalist. PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Journalism at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She holds a Master's degree in Journalism from the same institution and her dissertation was named the best in Brazil by SBPJor in 2022. She is a researcher at the Journalistic Ethics Observatory (ObjETHOS) and is a member of the Forum on the Right of Access to Public Information. She coordinates the Scientific Dissemination Support Center (NADC) at the UFSC Pro-Rectory for Research and Innovation.

Partner institutions